To meet the growing demand, I’ve carefully curated a team of highly skilled artists whose talents rival my own. If I’m personally unavailable on your date, you’ll be notified when inquiring, we’ll confirm the artist assigned to you before finalising your booking.
This way, you can feel completely at ease, knowing that not only are you in expert hands, but also that you’re fully informed every step of the way.
My team is dedicated to delivering the same exceptional care and attention to detail that I pride myself on, ensuring your experience is nothing short of perfect.
You’ve inquired and I’m booked out already, no worries my team is ready to step in and give you the bridal experience you deserve.
I will confirm who is available for you with a link to their portfolio, once you accepted and paid the booking fee I will arrange a handover to your artist.
Your booked artist will be in touch via WhatsApp to introduce themselves, book your Bridal consultation and to confirm your timeline.
You will of-course always have access to me (Tash) throughout for any questions or to make adjustments to your booking etc. I'll be overseeing everything to make sure things run smoothly for you. We are here to make sure your experience with us is seamless, we're in charge of your look for your BIG day and we take this responsibility very seriously. xx
*R950 per service that’s added to your package.
*Should time be restricted an additional artist can be booked.
*Travel added additional to packages.
*For travel over 150km accommodation will be added.
Select the artists photo to view their portfolio
Then we’re a perfect match!
Sunday – Monday – Closed
Tuesdays – Thursdays | 09:00 am – 16:00 pm
Friday – Saturday | Reserved for Weddings
Pretoria, South Africa
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